From Senegal To South Carolina
Thank you for allowing me to share my work with you.
When I went home to South Carolina a few years ago to my 35 year high school class reunion, my high school principal, Mr. Jeff Brown, an African-American, told us that,
" Young People Needed To Know Our Story's."
Well I hope that this will be the last "Homework" assignment that i'll have to do for him! He was also my 9th grade Biology and Physical Education instructor, as well as head football coach in 1969, when the schools were segregated in South Carolina.
I need your assistance in order to get this material out there to the
"Young People!"
Therefore, the cost of my book is $24.95. The shipping and handling is
included which is payable via check or money order.
Again thank you for allowing me to share my work with you and assisting me in carrying out this assignment! Thank you again for your support of this endeavor. It is greatly appreciated.
I hope to hear from you soon!
Very Respectfully,
William Bernard Boyd
the process of enslavement involving the European Trans Atlantic trade in human beings.
The politics of the South, the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement, conflicting religious beliefs, and the relevancy of modern and ancient African history to human history.